Immediately I call my friend to ask for verification on the numbers after I sent her home. I usually treat insurance people makan and usually nothing happens next. Scared off by me, perhaps.
This banker friend called another VERY VERY VERY calculative person to share his opinion. I was abit taken off by this 36 years old skinny guy. However his perspective in save-earn may have been as calculative someone in the company. Respect. These people would find all ways possible to save the most little money like RM50-RM100 via many little steps, I felt la. To me RM1000 something is good to go with. But these people accumulated money to become an eventual wealth pot.
Several interesting points he pointed out before I forget are:
- 3 month salary to retrench a staff is called FIRING.
- local government airline retrenched staff is called saving for a bigger profit in the subsequent year.
- get personal loan with 1.5% interest to invest in a 3% return investment plan. (wow this is just crazy!)
- a fixed deposit account is a better option for short term investment due to higher rate return compared to insurance financial plan.
He claimed himself as a low-risk taker. He would only act on the lowest risk possible but still he is acting rather than not doing anything like me. Hehe. He admitted that he loved money.
Love to him is not a lost because we gay people are all men. God to him is nothing because there is no proof of existence nor absence.
Lilian is never good at Fengsui because she didn't manage to secure a marriage.
Fastest investment is still house property because ur selling using the value of house, but you never paid full if u sold it off after a few years.
Complaining about 6% tax is bullshit because it is personal fault for not being able to earn enough to cover the tax. ei, rich people will still eat RM30 lunch while poor people would still complain if they pay RM5 for lunch.
This guy is a good example of individual living with exact calculation of accuracy possible. However, life would be too secure and lack of excitement, perhaps? I earned enough, but not enough to chincai buy a house, I am 28 years old. Haha. SKP, try to live more calculative can ah?
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