
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Bad news

I was pretty disturbed for the whole day since afternoon knowing I have lost a big account. I tried to control my emotion, I mean work performance is nothing to be proud of, neither nothing to be sad of, and losing this account has sort of lost the hope of having some good news to cheer for. Eventually, I told myself nothing can be worse than losing a leg, going insane, or having someone falling sicked. These images nothing rare in hospitals. Eventually I packed up the thought and head down to the cafeteria to join an ugly smart ass for lunch. Things were only better having to talked to a smiley face back in the office.

I thought: having the odds to receive bad news also comes with the responsibility to handle it objectively. And if required, re-model the news and make it sounded less severe. Have I been thinking too much?

Anyway, on second thought, I may as well stay put for the moment, so that it is easier to hit the fucking target next year. 

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