Okay suddenly I wanna write something here because it has been fucking long time I no rant here. Need to chincai start something to jump start the long hiatus. Haha.
Let's start. I got fast inspiration to write about the USJ guy.
USJ guy come text me on JackD when I was with my bunch of straight friends who tiba tiba so semangat wanna meet a coursemate who is working in Subang Medical Centre lah. Then this guy tiba tiba text me Hi. So I mah reply loh.
Oh... now sudah berapa lama I pun sudah lupa. I disconnected myself from XXX (Just treat this as HEBI starting from now) that time and USJ guy emerged. We hang out and I thought he was pretty cool. Our first meet up was at KTZ. Haha. I was still having my geli-punya pony tail. Haha.
We didn't get together because I was in a mood of having fun around and he was emotionally attached to a man who knows nothing but work work work; hence explains his cranky unreasonable stone age personality. Of course, I believe I have trained USJ guy to become pretty good at humping. Haha. He is pretty cute on bed. Shy ><
Anyway, this evening I went over to USJ just to drop him the banana, air tebu and bread I bought over from SS2 night market. Oh well, somehow I felt that he was abit paiseh, all the way from PJ just to send the makanan; oh well. I would say: Hei, when I needed someone, u came into my aid as my remedy; perhaps it is time I pay back?
I am glad to know him. Yeah. He is the kind and sometimes duno-how-to-think punya USJ guy. Adious good nite people!
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