
Saturday, 20 April 2013

Love & Relationship

"Love & relationship is a dangerously tricky business. It may sounded stupid, but I do not wish to be trapped by the notion of marriage and kids. It is beyond that. Do you want to share your life; or you're just AFRAID of being lonely. I am just afraid of the aftermath of a break-up."- SKP

I posted such statement on my wall today after listening to a colleague love life and some speed reading in POPULAR book store. Why?

Colleague love life:
Man in Singapore and woman in KL. It started well, went pretty stable until the point of marriage. However due to young kids back in home, she could not just leave for Singapore. Hence she said NO at the moment. The man changed his job and things started to change as well. My colleague suggested that there is new "distraction" in the new office and "cat would eat a fish placed right in front of it". Now she foresees a break-up very soon. 5 years of relationship. Fragile? You bet.

Speed reading:
"Some people do not know how to place their love, or they have been delusionised?"
"Your love is just skin-dipped if you love him for what he has"
"It will start well, however eventually the sweet coating called LOVE will shed off and reveal the rough interior."
"Do you love him, or you're just afraid of being alone?"
"If you fear of losing him, you tend to own him; however you would have realized the reason you behave in such way is because you never have control over him"

Looking back at my relationship with XXX, it was coated with sugar- plenty of pleasure and fun. We never really faced hardship. Now he is having some issue with that guy, and it is just weird to recall the sweet stuffs he once said to me. He was writing weird stuffs on his FB and chose not to ask for elaboration, I won't know how to handle.

As life pages flip along, I came along different issues, Took some lessons. I guess I would be more careful in starting a relationship; looking into the core of that person, even though he may not looked handsome enough. Haha. My taste sort of changed to decent guy next door already.


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