
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Benefits of doubt

I knew you had your convo on Sunday. I have mine on Monday. You text me wishing me "Happy Graduation".

I got excited, but it was sad the next second, eventually I got a mixed up feeling.

You PM me on FB days ago. I could reply, but I chose not to. I don't feel like answering "How was your day?" because it will definitely lead to a long answer. I focused on my work; didn't try to give a damn about it anymore.

I didn't forget, I know I have not replied you. I wanted to reply to communicate to reconnect with you, but I do not what anything to screw up your life when I lost control of myself. It is not like resisting to eat french fries.

Dear, I still have not forget everything. It is still vivid. I wanted to explain this but after much thinking, I guess it will be better if I just answer "Hei sorry for late reply, I was busy, good luck with your freelance work okay."

I really don't want to bring back anything anymore. Please go with her. Treasure her. She is more understanding that me. She needs you to protect her. I know you will never be able to leave her.

Dear, I wish you good luck. I don't think I will want to see you ever again. What I can do is to avoid you, that's the only I can do best. I don't know what will happen when I meet you. I don't want to imagine more. I don't want to paint the wrong picture in myself. I know what I can control is to avoid you, minimize as much of conversation with you. That one I promise I can do.

Good luck dear. I will make luck for myself as well. I actually gain other things when you're out of my life ever since. Pat pat myself SKP.



< 最親愛的你 >

看你沉沉的睡去 忍不住緊抱著你
孩子般的無邪安寧 幸福就那麼篤定
突然想寫一封信 給我最親愛的你
看你不畏懼 一股傻勁 有時候多不忍心
夜裡無聲眼淚 驚天動地 我心疼你
為何倔強執迷 半夢半醒

也曾失望傷過心 你總相信 那片烏雲會散去
從沒變的孩子氣 常讓我生氣卻又著迷
就算冷言傷了你 卻不曾逃避
橫衝直撞 也不管受了委屈
我會守護你 那顆赤子的心 永遠不分離

突然想寫一封信 給我最親愛的你
看你不畏懼 一股傻勁 有時候多不忍心
夜裡無聲眼淚 驚天動地 我心疼你
為何倔強執迷 半夢半醒

也曾失望傷過心 你總相信 那片烏雲會散去
從沒變的孩子氣 常讓我生氣卻又著迷
就算冷言傷了你 卻不曾逃避
橫衝直撞 也不管受了委屈
我會守護你 那顆赤子的心 永遠不分離

夢和現實的差距 有的時候讓你感到灰心
世界無情 只要記得我在這裡陪你

我最最親愛的你 擦去淚滴 那片烏雲已散去
我們一起走下去 一起笑著看沿途風景
我最最親愛的你 最真的一句
永遠守著愛著你 帶著夢想前進
珍惜那最初炙熱的心 最親愛的你
At least when I didn't directly reject any conversation, it will give you the benefits of doubt,
that I am fine already. I will be stronger than you. I will not screw up anything again!

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